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Configurable Shutterbutton

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 7:13 pm
by Unfoolishly
Dewcal wrote:
August 27th, 2021, 3:30 pm
With the USB cable plugged into the N2 and the camera, I found that pressing the camera shutter button resulted in getting an image taken on pressing down and a second image taken as I released the camera shutter button.

With the USB cable removed totally, the shutter button operation is normal - a picture only taken when pressing down.
Hi All,

I think you mention a vital FEATURE (now called a bug) because I like the idea of being able in the App to have the trigger button functionality be configurable.
Meaning: making it possible to configure the trigger button in the App to trigger the camera(s) at PRESSING down or RELEASING up the trigger button.
You may think: what's the difference? Simple: when pressing down you want an instant reaction on the camera side, but when releasing up you want the camera to react the moment you let go.
In some photographic moments you want the camera to (auto)focus but not yet taking the picture. It is as tipping the camera button softly on the camera itself each time, without pressing through (this is possible on Nikon camera's, I am not sure if Canon cameras have this also).
PRESSING would mean: take photo right away.
RELEASING would mean: while (auto)focus is active (maybe looped in the Unleashed until release of button in the App?), take photo when the user lets go of the button.
If this FEATURE can be implemented both in the Android App and also the iOS App, then it is surely a welcomed feature.


Re: Configurable Shutterbutton

Posted: August 30th, 2021, 1:19 pm
by Oliver
I split this from the original topic because it was hijacking the original post. Please create a new topic for feature requests.

While I understand this request, and I do see it's merit in some use cases, I don't see us implementing this.
The use-cases where it is useful are very limited, and I cannot think of any where it would be essential.
It may seem trivial to implement, but our shutterbutton is already a lot more complex than what it looks like, sending different signals to the firmware depending on various settings, and displaying information relayed from the camera
adding alternative functionality, let alone customisable functionality is going to make it unnecessarily complex and is simply not worth the implementation costs.