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EV smoothing option disappeared from the app?

Posted: February 21st, 2024, 2:43 pm
by gamewiz83
Hi there,

My current camera being used with the Unleashed is a Sony a6500. I have been playing around with the different modes and in general have had little to no issues with the traditional timelapse mode. Most of the issues were resolved by experimenting with settings or reading the documentation.

One puzzling thing is I'm finally ready to attempt a holy grail timelapse but it seems like the EV smoothing option has disappeared from the app? I'm fairly certain I saw it in there before the recent firmware update. Right now all I see are the LT Timelapse options.

Is this dependent on a setting in the camera? What am I doing wrong?

Re: EV smoothing option disappeared from the app?

Posted: April 2nd, 2024, 5:29 am
by photojourneyman
I too noticed this and had a reply from Natasha form Foolography
Yes, for the LRT algorithms the direction matters – good that you already caught that. Unfortunately, Sony doesn’t give us EV-meter information so the 24h algorithm sadly isn’t available for any Sony cameras (noted in compatibility table, but you need to expand the Holy Grail section – admittedly not ideal and I’ll look into getting this changed). I’m sorry I don’t have better news for you.