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Update on shipping of the 2nd batch UNLEASHEDs

2nd batch of Unleashed is being shipped soon.

The Foolography team hopes that everyone had a great start into 2019. We’re super excited about this year as we have big plans for the Unleashed and other products. One of our goals is definitely to grow the community around the Unleashed so we can help each other to get the most out of our cameras and become better at taking photos and videos. We’re very grateful for everyone who supports us and the vision!

We’re also thankful for all the great feedback that helped us to fix many bugs and make the Unleashed more stable. It’s great to see how so many people love using the Unleashed and what you can create with it.

As the 1st batch of Unleasheds was already sold out in October, the 2nd batch is in the making and will arrive at our office soon. We initially planned to have it by December to be able to ship all the other pre-order before Christmas, but unfortunately, we’re experiencing delays in the last steps of production. To give you a little more insight: The only step still missing before we can start packing and shipping the Unleashed, is that the casing is being ultrasonic welded around the PCB. So basically, all the chips and components are already assembled, the firmware is on the PCBs, but the plastic casing still needs to be attached. Right now, we’re very much dependent on our production partner and hope that we’ll receive the finished Unleasheds in the next couple of weeks. Once we have them, we’ll start immediately with packing and shipping.

Thanks everyone for your ongoing support!

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