How to set up geotagging


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1. Tap the satellite icon at the bottom right of all the settings to configure geotagging. There are three pickers/columns.

2. The first picker lets you turn geotagging on or off. Depending on the camera you might as well be able to choose what source for the GPS coordinates should be used.

3. The second picker in the middle sets the interval for how often the GPS coordinates should be updated and sent to the camera.

4. The third picker sets your priority for when taking photos from the app. This is necessary as the Unleashed switches between communication protocols with the camera.

4.1 When set to “GPS” all photos taken with the app will be geotagged. To guarantee this, shutter release might be delayed by up to one second after pressing the trigger.

4.2 When set to “Trigger” photos triggered from the app likely won’t be geotagged when you are moving and shooting in quick succession. Use this setting when instant triggering is more important to you.

5. When the app is running in the background and you’re taking photos with the camera, GPS coordinates will be added to your photos in both settings, “Trigger” and “GPS”.

6. With the app open and active, coordinates often won’t be added to your photos when taking photos with your camera directly, unless you half-press the shutter button for 1s or more.

We often get the question whether the Unleashed alone can geotag your photos, without being connected to a phone or GPS device. Unfortunately, this is not possible because the Unleashed itself is not a GPS device and needs to get the location data from somewhere in order to embed them in your photo’s metadata.

This means you will need to keep the Unleashed connected to a device receiving location data – but you don’t need to keep your phone screen on or even have the app open/running in the foreground. Just open the app at the beginning of your shoot, let the Unleashed connect and start shooting. Just make sure geotagging is enabled and that you don’t hard close (“kill”) the app as then the location data will no longer be embedded. (To clarify: you can switch to the home screen or other apps, just leave the Unleashed app running in the background.)

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