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Thank you photokina

The photokina is over. It was my first time exhibiting at a trade fair, and the reception of my products was overwhelming. I believe it marks the beginning of a whole new “foolography”, as I will need to recruit personell and restructure the whole company, in order to be able to keep up with the demand that was made obvious at the photokina. I want to thank everyone for making it the wonderful exprience it was:

  • Thank you to the hosts of the photokina for organizing the event – I was honored to be able to meet you at the exhibitors party, even if it was pure chance that my wife and I sat down at the “wrong” table, which turned out to be so right.
  • Thank you to the staff, who assisted us exhibitors so well, always remaining friendly and helpful.
  • Thanks to our co-exhibitors – attracting so many visitors to the fair, which makes it a great opportunity for little companies like mine. Thanks also to the staff at our surrounding booths, for the talks and fun in times there were no visitors.
  • Thanks a lot to my wife, Sophia, for coming with me, and helping me so much – couldn’t have done it without you!
  • Thank you to the numerous distributors and retailers who took such great interest in our products – you will soon be hearing from me.
  • And of course a big thank you to all visitors and (potential) customers (hint, hint ;-) ) for finding our little home-made booth, letting us tell you about geotagging and our great geotagging products.
  • Another Thank you must go to all the visitors of this website, which because of the stressful photokina preparations was not always fully available, and even now is missing a lot of the contents. I will update it in the coming days. Sorry again for all the trouble.

Thank you photokina.

foolography at photokina 2008 - Hall 5.1 Aisle H015
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