Posted on 2 Comments

Visit us at photokina 2016, Hall 4.1, G39!

foolography booth at Photokina 2016, Hall 4.1, Booth G39

Come by our booth in Hall 4.1, Booth G39. We’d love to meet you there. The coffee is on us! ;)

foolography booth Photokina 2016, Hall 4.1, G39
foolography booth at photokina 2016

2 thoughts on “Visit us at photokina 2016, Hall 4.1, G39!

  1. Hi Kevin,

    thanks. :) It’ll be available in summer next year. If you want to be one of the first getting it you can pre-order next week so you’re higher on the shipping list. We’ll make a blog post next week with further information.


  2. Hello. Any idea when this will be available? Sounds great!

    Florida, USA

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