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photokina 2010 is over. We were there and had a great time!

foolography @ photokina by Eddy Westveer
Photo by our new customer Eddy Westveer – Thanks for sending us the picture!

The launch of our new products went really well, and these new Unleasheds for the D3100, D5000, D7000 and D90 were very well received by the visitors.

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D3100 and D7000 – with GPS ports

Finally the entire current Nikon DSLR Lineup is equipped with GPS capabilities!

The newly announced D7000 (it is still unclear where in Nikons lineup it belongs) and even the entry-level D3100 announced just a few weeks ago, both have a GPS port, for directly connecting a GPS to it for geotagging your images. Along with the D5000 and the D90, which already had such a port, and of course all of Nikons professional cameras, which have had one for several years. This means that all of Nikons current DSLRs are capable of direct geotagging!

Of course, you’re wondering when our Unleashed will fit these new cameras… but you might just have to wait a few more days to get that answer ;-)

D7000 GPS Port D3100 GPS port
D7000 GPS port ( GPS port (
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photokina 2010 – here we come

foolography at photokina 2010

Starting date of this year’s photokina is coming up fast, and we’re extremely busy with preparations. We will finally launch a new product you have all been waiting for ;-)

If you want to be one of the first to see it live and in action, you’re very welcome to visit our booth in Hall 5.1 Stand F014. We’re looking forward to the show and hope to see you there!

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DIMA 2010 Innovative Digital Product Award for foolography

DIMA 2010 Innovative Digital Product Award

That’s right, we did it again. Our new, wireless direct barcode scanning solution for Nikon DSLRs, the Unleashed – Barcode Edition, won the DIMA 2010 Innovative Digital Product award, which was presented to us at the Sneak Peek Press event of PMA2010.

The Unleashed – Barcode Edition is a by-product of our main product – the Unleashed. However, instead of connecting to a Bluetooth GPS, it connects to a Bluetooth barcode scanner. The photographer scans in a barcode, which is embedded in the EXIF data of all of the following photos, until the next barcode is scanned.

Until now, Direct barcode scanning was only possible with the Fuji S5, which has been discontinued, and no successor was announced. The Unleashed – Barcode Edition enables direct barcode scanning with all high-end Nikon DSLRs – from the D200 and up. On top of that, the setup is entirely wireless.

Unleashed - Barcode Edition

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foolography at PMA 2010

We will be exhibiting at PMA 2010 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California from February 21st to 23rd, and just like last year we will be part of the German Pavilion.

If you would like to meet us or are interested in seeing our products, you’re very welcome to visit us at our booth #1909-6.


We’re excited to announce our newest product at PMA 2010: the Unleashed – Barcode Edition. Detailed news about this device will be added to our website after the trade show. It will revolutionize the volume photography market – stay tuned!

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Unleashed wins DIMA Award

Our top product, the Unleashed is a winner of the 2009 DIMA Innovative Digital Product Award.

“DIMA Innovative Digital Product Awards recognize products or services utilizing new technologies and/or applications that make the product either distinct or the first of its kind.” Read more here.

Thank you for this honoring award!

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foolography will exhibit at PMA09

We have just received the confirmation that we will be exhibiting at PMA09, March 3-5 in Las Vegas. foolography will be part of the German Pavilion. We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth number Q168-3 which is on the second floor just after the show entrance on your left.

New versions of the Unleashed and Geotiger will be launched at PMA. Since photokina we’ve been working very hard on getting these ready, to be able to showcase the new and improved products in Las Vegas.

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Thank you photokina

The photokina is over. It was my first time exhibiting at a trade fair, and the reception of my products was overwhelming. I believe it marks the beginning of a whole new “foolography”, as I will need to recruit personell and restructure the whole company, in order to be able to keep up with the demand that was made obvious at the photokina. I want to thank everyone for making it the wonderful exprience it was:

  • Thank you to the hosts of the photokina for organizing the event – I was honored to be able to meet you at the exhibitors party, even if it was pure chance that my wife and I sat down at the “wrong” table, which turned out to be so right.
  • Thank you to the staff, who assisted us exhibitors so well, always remaining friendly and helpful.
  • Thanks to our co-exhibitors – attracting so many visitors to the fair, which makes it a great opportunity for little companies like mine. Thanks also to the staff at our surrounding booths, for the talks and fun in times there were no visitors.
  • Thanks a lot to my wife, Sophia, for coming with me, and helping me so much – couldn’t have done it without you!
  • Thank you to the numerous distributors and retailers who took such great interest in our products – you will soon be hearing from me.
  • And of course a big thank you to all visitors and (potential) customers (hint, hint ;-) ) for finding our little home-made booth, letting us tell you about geotagging and our great geotagging products.
  • Another Thank you must go to all the visitors of this website, which because of the stressful photokina preparations was not always fully available, and even now is missing a lot of the contents. I will update it in the coming days. Sorry again for all the trouble.

Thank you photokina.

foolography at photokina 2008 - Hall 5.1 Aisle H015